Financial Support

Support for research, creative activity, & travel

Our program offers awards to support travel for graduate student research and creative activity. We also provide travel awards to fund conference travel.

2022 graduate student research, creative activity, + travel grants

Our Asian American Studies Program invites submissions from IUB graduate students (master's or Ph.D. track) for research and creative activity grants to support projects relevant to Asian American Studies, Pacific Islander Studies, Asian Diaspora Studies, and/or Pacific Islander Diaspora Studies.

Awardees may request up to $800 to cover research and creativity expenses, such as travel related to data collection, travel to a conference to present awardee’s research findings/creativity activity, supplies, software, services, and other needs that are directly related to the proposed research or creative activity. Awardees may also request funding to support travel to conferences during 2022-2023 fiscal year (July 1, 2022-May 30, 2023) where awardees are scheduled to present their research findings/creativity activity. This research or creative activity must be advised by a faculty member at Indiana University Bloomington but cannot be collaborative between faculty and graduate students.

Submissions to support research/creative activity should include (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) statement of proposed research (up to 1000 words), which should include a description of the research’s theoretical significance, data and methodological approach, preliminary findings (if any), and contributions of your proposed research; (4) research/creative activity timeline; (5) IRB approval (if required); (6) a detailed budget; and (7) one letter of support from an IUB faculty member. Please compile all of these components into one single document. The letter of support may be included with your application or be sent from your recommender separately.

Submissions seeking funding for conference travel should include (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) title and abstract of presentation; (4) conference information (include name, date, and location of the conference, name of the conference organizer, and panel/poster session details); (5) copy of acceptance notification from conference organizer;(6) detailed budget.

Application deadline: Please submit all materials to Karen Inouye: by Friday, April 1, 2022, 11:59 PM Eastern. Applications submitted past deadline will not be considered. Funds will be deposited to the students’ bursar account.


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